"But the very pleasing moment of anticipation casts a shadow, because I can’t accept the bounty of an extra seat without remembering why it’s empty, without wondering if its emptiness isn’t something quite sad. And quite dangerous, also, if left unexamined. Posters in the train, the station, the subway warn: if you see something, say something.Oh, the whining..... let's see what happens if you put a blackhat Hasid on a train full of Africana Americans. Whom do you think would wind-up with the empty seat next to him?
Thursday, October 7, 2010
The stupidity of both the Times and college professors.....
The Seat Not Taken:
How to stop 50% of West-hating terrorist attacks...
"You can imagine the Syrians’ frustration, having to fund Hezbollah when the money could be spent on wind turbines.Idiots....
Wednesday, October 6, 2010
The money quote...
"Unfortunately, there is no adult supervision of the Obama foreign policy."
Well done, Chap! Read it all...
John Derbyshire:
"My own life philosophy is one I call Blithe Nihilism. I believe there is no point to life, but I try not to let the belief bother me. Blithe Nihilism has its roots in the grand English anti-intellectual tradition — in the conviction that life is to be got on with and not thought about too much.
Once in a while — after some string of personal disasters, or in a random melancholy mood, or when reading some bloke’s 1,905-page suicide note — once in a while the defenses crack and you find yourself looking down into the pit. When that happens, you need to have some habitual remedy close at hand.