Pajamas Media discusses the Ezra Levant Case:
Ezra Levant was one of the few publishers in Canada to reprint the notorious “Mohammed cartoons” in 2006. Two years later, he’s been hauled before a “human rights officer” to explain why offending the delicate sensibilities of sharia-minded imams is legal, legitimate and necessary. Heather Cook reports on Levant’s video-captured testimony.
Read it all and watch the video testimony. Once again, free speech is being hijacked by a wingnut who is "offended" by something someone said. Once again, government pukes think it's their job to keep citizens from being nasty to each other; and once again, Muslims think that they are exempt from ridicule because they don't want to be. This a long running story that deserves following even though it's technically not the US; but you can bet your bottom dollar that it's going to happen at one of our own ridiculously PC universities (if it hasn't already).
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