Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Nobody admits the real problem...

As you may have heard, Hillary Clinton recently blasted Barack Obama over a piece of campaign literature, in which the Obama campaign insinuated that Clinton's health care plan would force people to buy insurance they couldn't afford. Clinton objected both to the substance of the claim, which she said was inaccurate, and the imagery, which was evocative of the infamous Harry and Louise advertisements insurance lobbyists used to kill universal coverage back in 1993 and 1994.
The real problem, my friends, is that in order for any plan to really work, everybody has to be covered whether they want to be or not. There are rules in the insurance game, and adverse selection is the boo-boo that makes the house crumble. Of course, we cannot actually tell people this when we are trying to get their vote; but, sooner or later, a la Social Security, the nasties come home to roost when you forget to play the zero sum game properly. So, NO, people cannot really afford the insurance they need; but not because they can't really afford it - it's because they are not willing to pay what it really costs.

Am I making sense? Certainly not to any Democrats.......

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