Never had the intention ... regretted ... impugning' ... never have such big words been placed at the service of so small a spirit. Now we know how much principles are worth. In this case they are worth 2.3 million dollars. They shouldn't bother to offer their hand in apology. It would be better to wash it.I still think they should have been allowed to go ahead with the ban, providing that they signed an agreement forgoing ALL military assistance for the city in the future (earthquakes, floods, war, pestilence, etc.). The hallmark of the liberal mind, to me, is the complete disconnect between cause and effect, much like an adolescent who believes that he/she can do anything they want without consequences. Let the wonks have their little tantrum, and then see who the first phone call would go to if they were in some REAL trouble - the proverbial and Mommy and Daddy. Idiots and fools....
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Truly cowards...
Berkeley Surrenders to the US Marines:
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