"Hillary s campaign has transformed the politics of this nomination from a contest between individual candidates to a contest between the coalition partners of the Democratic Party. The downside of Hillary s efforts to portray Obama as the Black Candidate , helped along not a little by Obama himself and Jeremiah Wright means that he is the Black Candidate now.
For that reason Obama will be almost invulnerable to personal criticism among the factions which supports him. After decades of loyally supporting a liberal white candidate, the emergence of a viable Black Candidate means a significant bloc of the Democratic Party now feels entitled to take their turn. Hillary s people have no standing in selecting who this bloc candidate is going to be. Any objection that Obama, at 46 can wait his turn, misses the point. It s not Obama s turn. It is the Black Voter bloc s turn. The Faustian bargain has come due. And Hillary is welshing.
This might have been a good thing if Barack Obama were a moderate Democrat. But in addition to being the Black voter s candidate, he is also the chosen representative of the Party s Left. They too feel it is their turn .
Hillary's campaign was one of those classic cases where the political past was used to predict the future. What worked in the past would work again. This time, though, the Clintons came across a discontinuity. A literal Black Swan. Past trends no longer held. The quiescent Black votes bloc has surged to the front of the bus and demanded their seat from the liberal white party elite.Ironically John McCain may be the moderate Democrat that the Hillary, in other times, might have been. This means the year 2008 will see two transfers of power. The first involving the Presidency; the second involving the coalition blocs of the Democratic Party.
What ship is the Hillary Kamikaze crashing? It is the vessel of their old coalition"
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Say what you will - Wretchard certainly has a way...
Death is lighter than a feather:
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