Friday, September 12, 2008

Exposed for what they are...

Feminist Army Aims Its Canons at Palin
"Nor are women mindlessly switching loyalties because there’s a woman on the ticket. What the Palin pick has demonstrated, however, is that the Feminist-Industrial Complex is a fraud. Disagreeing with self-described feminists doesn’t mean you’re anti-woman. Usually it just means you’re sensible.

And for that lesson alone, we should all be grateful."

Please read the whole thing. It is really fun to see all of the Bush Derangement Syndrome come crashing down upon their heads. The Dems and the left are about to (once again) blow and unlosable election because of their own self-righteous stupidity. They are completely out of touch with reality and the electorate; and when the ballots are finally counted, they will (after whining that the ballots weren't counted properly) not understand that people don't like to be looked down upon.....

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