Sunday, June 7, 2009

Mark Steyn hits the nail again...

Obama's message of weakness:
"It's interesting how easily the words 'the Muslim world' roll off the tongues of liberal secular progressives who'd choke on any equivalent reference to 'the Christian world.' When such hyperalert policemen of the perimeter between church and state endorse the former but not the latter, they're implicitly acknowledging that Islam is not merely a faith but a political project, too. There is an 'Organization of the Islamic Conference,' which is already the largest single voting bloc at the United Nations and is still adding new members. Imagine if someone proposed an 'Organization of the Christian Conference' that would hold summits attended by prime ministers and Presidents, and vote as a bloc in transnational bodies. But, of course, there is no 'Christian world': Europe is largely post-Christian and, as President Barack Obama bizarrely asserted to a European interviewer last week, America is 'one of the largest Muslim countries in the world.' Perhaps we're eligible for membership in the OIC.

That sound you heard in Cairo is the tingy ping of a hollow superpower."

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