Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Slapping the Camel's Nose...

Megan McArdle:
"I was writing about my deeper opposition to the entire project of providing, paying for, or otherwise guaranteeing health care. Since for most people on the left, this is akin to declaring that I would like to take up killing orphans in my spare time, I outlined why I think that this is morally correct even if you take the liberal set of initial values, and don't place any moral weight on taxation or other coercive action by the state. I have voiced my various practical objections to the particular options on the table at various moments. But the main thing is that I don't want to give the government a greater role in health care markets. Nay, not even if all the other countries . . . well, all the cool countries, anyway . . . are doing it. To the liberals proclaiming that, unlike those of us in the conservative or libertarian camps, they are practical people just seeking the best way to make us all better off, I say: I think your utilitarian calculus is badly wrong."

I really do love this woman....

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