Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Informed Consent.....

"Life Imitates Monty Python

* Man: 'What's this, then?' Mr. Brown: 'A liver donor's card.' Man: 'Need we say more?' . . . Mr. Brown: 'Listen! I can't give it to you now. It says, 'In the event of death.' Uh. Oh! Ah. Ah. Eh.' Man: 'No one who has ever had their liver taken out by us has survived.'--dialogue from 'The Meaning of Life,' 1983
* 'Cass Sunstein, President Barack Obama's nominee to head the Office of Information and Regulatory Affairs (OIRA), has advocated a policy under which the government would 'presume' someone has consented to having his or her organs removed for transplantation into someone else when they die unless that person has explicitly indicated that his or her organs should not be taken. Under such a policy, hospitals would harvest organs from people who never gave permission for this to be done.'--CNSNews.com, Sept. 4"

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