Saturday, October 25, 2008

Be careful what you ask for...

Obama’s Fundraising Fraud:
"The irony of it all — which brings us back to McCain’s problem — is that the maverick Arizona senator made his own bed. In 2002, working with Democratic Senator Russell Feingold, McCain helped push through “bipartisan” campaign finance reform in Congress. The key element of the legislation was a ban on “soft money” contributions to the national party organizations. These unregulated donations to the parties totaled $263 million in 1996 and $410 million in 2000. As any good party insider will tell you, soft money is a bonanza for presidential campaigns. Completely unlimited, soft money receipts allow presidential candidates to evade the financial restrictions under the FEC’s “hard-money” limits. With no ceiling on what donors could give, and no limits on party spending on generic “uncoordinated” issue advertisements on behalf of the standard-bearer, a new model of private funding emerged to blow the lid off both the intent and spirit of the 1970s-era reforms.

"Make no mistake, the Democratic nominee may now be running the biggest underground finance operation since President Nixon deployed the “plumbers” as his key operatives for CREEP in 1972.

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