Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Calling PETA.......

Ted Nugent Says, "Fuck You"
"I, being the eternal optimist, I think McCain and Palin still have a chance, contrary to the world of public opinion. I believe they've got a chance. I believe that the productive, 'ask not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country' Americans outnumber the alternative. I hope so. If Obama and Mao win, I'll just turn up my activism. I'll raise more hell… and spend the next years shortstopping the destructo derby of the American dream. I know we can. I'd rather get McCain and Palin in, but we'd still have to turn up the activism to make sure McCain doesn't fall back into McCain/Feingold and amnesty for invaders of America. I'm not giving up. And I'm a force to reckon with. Just ask this deer hanging in front of me right now. She didn't have a fuckin' prayer. But we will dine on her gift of protein this evening."

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