Monday, November 3, 2008

I feel the same way...

OBAMA 2012:
"A general consensus among political observers is that Obama's essential problem was that he was oversold and too naive and arrogant to realize he wasn't as his most devoted fans believed. A senior Democrat on Capitol Hill marveled: 'In 2008, this guy promised to send everyone to college, vastly increase foreign aid, create a 'civilian national security force' that was just a well-funded as the U.S. military, his wife said he'd fix our 'broken souls,' and he said he'd make the oceans stop rising, all without increasing the deficit. The amazing thing is he thought it was all true. He makes Jimmy Carter look like he should be on Mt. Rushmore.'

Another advisor compared Obama to Max Bialystock, the con man from the Mel Brooks' film 'The Producers.' In the movie, Bialystock sells 100% ownership of the play to dozens of investors. 'Barack Obama sold 100% shares in his presidency to every constituency imaginable and they all thought they were at the front of the line after inauguration day.'"

This is certainly lighthearted and a bit amusing. I, however, have a few more serious predictions: 1) This economy will persist, and probably deteriorate, under Obama / Pelosi management; 2) NONE (that's right - NONE) of the supposed Bush horrors - Guantanamo, Iraq, oil prices, illegal wiretapping, etc. - will be remedied as the Democrats figure out that you can't just wish bad people and circumstances away with nice thoughts; 3) Obama won't just be "tested", as Mr. Biden said regarding international events - we will be involved in a real live war (much more major than Iraq or Afganisthan) by the end of his first term; and 4) All of these failures will be just fine with the Obama base because they will be considered "necessary" for the safety of the country and a pragmatic method of consolidating power.

Sound familiar?

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