"Now that the Senate finance committee has requested - the New York Times said 'demanded' - that the nation's wealthiest colleges and universities supply detailed information about their endowments and financial practices, it seems clear that college cost is emerging as a long-running, popular and bipartisan issue. The request/demand came in a stern but polite letter from committee chairman Max Baucus and ranking Republican Chuck Grassley. It asked 136 colleges and universities to supply answers in 30 days to a long laundry list of questions about tuition rises, spending and the handling of endowments."The net result of this "inquiry" will be that a group of folks who have no idea how to manage a large amount of "other peoples money" will probably excoriate another group that really does.....
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Uh, Oh.....
Show And Tell For Rich Universities:
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