Tuesday, January 15, 2008

The 2007 Fiskie and Fallaci Winners!

And the winner of the Fiskie, the idiotarian of the year par excellence, the most outstandingly hypocritical empty-skulled yapper in the universe according to LGF readers: MSNBC spokeshole Keith “The Mouth” Olbermann.
While I refuse to watch any of the news channels, I have had to put up with Olbermann on NBC's Sunday night football broadcasts. It is very hard to do....I don't think that there is anyone else in the medium so in love with the sound of his own voice, or with such a high opinion of his own clever little jokes and quips. What a putz!! It really seems that poor Bob Costas wants to run and hide whenever his co-host begins flapping his lips aimlessly.

More over at Hot Air and Olbermann Watch

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